Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Market Changes in Supply and Demand (1-15)

Basic Market Changes in Supply and Demand or Quantity Supplied and Demanded
(Assume Ceteris Paribus.) (Indicate the First Change.) (Assume a market exists.)
(Watch out for Complementary/Substitute Goods and Inferior/Normal Goods)

  1. Increase in Demand
  2. Decrease in Demand
  3. Increase in Supply
  4. Decrease in Supply
  5. No Shift

Problem 1 (1- 4):
After several years of decline, the market for handmade acoustic guitars is making a comeback. These guitars are usually made in small workshops employing relatively few highly skilled luthiers. Assess the impact on the equilibrium price and quantity of handmade acoustic guitars as a result of each of the following events. In your answers indicate if there is a shift (Increase/Decrease in Demand or Increase/Decrease in Supply or No Change)

1. Environmentalists succeed in having the use of Brazilian rosewood banned in the United States, forcing luthiers to seek out alternative, more costly woods.

2. A foreign producer reengineers the guitar-making process and floods the market with identical guitars.

3. Music featuring handmade acoustic guitars makes a comeback as audiences tire of heavy metal and grunge music.

4. The country goes into a deep recession and the income of the average American falls sharply.

  1. Increase in Demand
  2. Decrease in Demand
  3. Increase in Supply
  4. Decrease in Supply
  5. No Shift

Problem 2 (5- 10):
How do each of the following events affects the equilibrium price
and quantity of Pizza Hut Pizza. In your answers indicate if there is a shift (Increase/Decrease in Demand or Increase/Decrease in Supply or No Change)

5.   The price of mozzarella cheese is reduce by 14%.

6.   The health hazards of hamburgers are widely publicized.

7.   The price Pizza is increased from $10.99 to $18.99.

8.   The incomes of consumers rise and pizza is an inferior good.

9.   Consumers expect the price of pizza to increase next week.

10.  Action 4 News gives Pizza Hut negative reviews after rat dropping are discovered in the containers that hold the topping.

  1. Increase in Demand
  2. Decrease in Demand
  3. Increase in Supply
  4. Decrease in Supply
  5. No Shift

Problem 3 (11- 15) :
Will Shakespeare is a struggling playwright in sixteenth-century London.  As the price he receives for writing a play increases, he is willing to write more plays. In your answers indicate if there is a shift (Increase/Decrease in Demand or Increase/Decrease in Supply or No Change)

11. The playwright Christopher Marlowe, Shakespeare’s chief rival, is killed in a bar brawl after defending the honor of a lady friend.

12. The bubonic plague, a deadly infectious disease, breaks out in London.

13. To celebrate the defeat of the Spanish Armada, Queen Elizabeth declares several weeks of festivities, which involves commissioning new plays.

14.  Shakespeare is heartbroken when his love leaves him for a composer and then goes into a deep depression and a coma-like state for months.

15.  After months of inactivity, Shakespeare’s agent hires 4 ghost writers to write plays on the behalf of William Shakespeare.

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