Monday, April 6, 2015

Semester Topics (1-17)

Topic 1:  Introductory Materials and Production Possibilities
·         For an economist, ­­­­­­­­­­__________ is scarce.
·         All decisions require an _____________ ______.
·         Most problems of predicting changes will require c_______   p________ assumptions.
·         The most common labels on the PPC are Y Axis = _________, X Axis = _________
·         Students must know the significance of points inside the Frontier, on the Frontier, and outside the Frontier.  They are equal to:  _______________, ___________, _________.
·         Students must understand that moving the Frontier requires more _______ __ _______.  Big Chart Graph:  Production Possibilities Curves/Frontiers (#1)

Topic 2:  Supply and Demand Basics and Currency Exchanges
·         When product prices are changed first, move points on the ______.      This is known as a __________ Change and this will create a surplus or a shortage.
·         When government steps in with artificial price floors and ceilings, they are trying to help suppliers with _________ and consumers with __________. 
·         Artificial floors always create greater ______________.
·         Artificial ceilings always create greater ______________.
·         When any other product factor changes first, move either the __ or __ _______.  This is known as a “Supply or Demand” Change.
·         This will create a new ___ and ___ for that market.
·         When the price of a good increases, a substitute’s demand will __________.
·         When the price of a good increases, a complement’s demand will _________.
·         Perfectly inelastic supply lines are __________________. (Elaticity)
·         For the rest of a macro course, skip discussions or lessons on elasticity.
·         Currencies are supply and demand products.
·         Demand for currencies will flow to the __________ economy.
·         If D changes for one currency, __ must change for the other currency.
·         The two currency graphs will move in ___ ________ direction.
·         One currency will always appreciate, the other will _________.
·         Appreciation of a currency hurts _________, depreciation helps make them cheaper.
·         Big Chart Graphs:  Dollar Graph, Other Currency Graph (#2, #3)

Topic 3: Goods and Government
·         Durable goods and non-durable goods are based on length of ________ _____.
·         Transfer payments are from government to _________.
·         Subsidies are payments from government to _________.

Topic 4:  GDP Accounting
·         The expenditure approach of __ + __ + __ + __ must be memorized.
·         The expenditure approach is equal to ____.
·         The expenditure approach is also equal to _______________.
·         __ is the most significant in the US, __ has no savings leak, __ is affected by interest rates (in an inverse way for the domestic market).
·         For GDP accounting, intermediate goods are ___ ________.
·         Unsold inventory is counted as __ at year’s end.
·         Used goods do ___ count in the year they re-sell.
·         Goods and  _________ both count as Consumption.
·         GDP to NDP accounts for Depreciation of Capital or Consumption of Fixed Capital (CFC).   This gives the _____ measure of growth.
·         Nominal minus Inflation = ____.

Topic 5:  Business Cycles
·         The up-sloping Secular Trend is a Classical Theory of gradual improvement of lifestyles over time.  It can be connected to_____ Law.
·         The minimum time span for a change in the cycle is ______________________.
·         The cycle is measured from ________ to _________.
·         _______ and _______ can only be recognized after they have occurred.
·         Expansions and Contractions/Recessions can be recognized as they occur.
·         The average cycle for the US has been about ________ (200 years of data).
·         Recessions have historically lasted about ___ months (20 century and beyond).
·         It will be assumed that Recession will have excess ______________.
·         It will be assumed that Expansions will have some excess _____________.
·         Big Chart Graph:  Business Cycles (#4)

Topic 6: Employment and Unemployment
·         Part time workers are ___________ as “employed”.
·         Discouraged workers are ____ ___________ as unemployed.
·         “Full Employment Unemployment” (FE) is the ________ ____ __ __________ for a country.
·         The differences between frictional and structural unemployment are important.

Topic 7:  CPI, GDP Deflators, Inflation
·         An Index Year is always made equal to _______.
·         Real change of values over time can always be calculated with the formula:  Later Year – Earlier Year/Earlier Year.  This = the Rate of Change.  The Rate x 100 = Inflation %. 
·         CPI measures monthly purchases by _______, the GDP deflator looks at the _____ ___________.
·         G spending changes are assumed to be more important that private C changes because C changes always have a __________ leak.
·         Demand Pull inflation is caused by excessive ____________________.  It can be manipulated by governmental policies.
·         Cost Push inflation is a _______ ___ _____________ and often can’t be corrected.
·         Stagflation is the presence of rising unemployment and rising inflation, and can be created by ___________ ______________.

Topic 8:  Spending Multipliers
·         Marginal Propensity to Consume or Marginal Propensity to Save are results of new money being given to citizens, or being taken away from citizens.
·         The MPC + MPS must always = ___.
·         The Spending Multiplier Formula is therefore a guess on how many times new income will be spent by a series of consumers.  The formula will be: 1/1-MPC or 1/MPS. 
·         Big Chart Graphs:  Consumption Function, Savings Function, Consumption and Savings Link (#5, #6, #7)

Topic 9:  Investment Demand
·         On the domestic market, interest rates (i) are a ____ of borrowing and have an inverse effect on the willingness to create Ig.
·         Big Chart Graph:  Investment Demand Graph (#8)

Topic 10:  Aggregate Analysis (AD and SRAS) (AD/AS)
·         Any change that can be connected to C + Ig + G + Xn will be a change in ____ first.  Students often miss the Ig part.
·         Any change that can be connected to input costs, resource availability, wage rates, or worker productivity will change the ________________
·         The LRAS is approximately equal to the PPF and Full Employment GDP.
·         Changes in basic factors of production can move the _____________.
·         Big Chart Graphs:  AD/AS (3 Versions while using McConnell 15th) (#9, #10, #11)

Topic 11:  Schools of Economics
·         Classical economists believe that competition is ______ and the invisible hand will create better goods, cheaper goods, and more competition.
·         Classical economists believe in ________ prices and wages, long run balance near Full Employment GDP (Say’s Law).
·         Classical economists want government to promote competition, stop monopolies and cheating, stop actions that limit _____________ prices and wages.
·         Neo-classical economists like the idea of tax______ for trickle down growth.
·         Neo-classical economists also like the idea of tax ______ to starve government’s ability to interfere with competition.
·         Keynesians believe that competition is ________ and must be corrected in the Short Run. 
·         Keynesians believe that Fiscal Policies will focus on ______ and _________.
·         Keynesians believe that wages are sticky and prices are stuck by the ________ effect.
·         Monetary policy advocates don’t think Keynesians can _______ policy correctly.
·         Monetary policy advocates don’t think Keynesians can fight ___________.
·         Monetary policy advocates support fine tuning with ____________ rates.

Topic 12:  Countercyclical Policies:  Fiscal and Monetary
·         Always connect ______ Policies to Keynes and ______________.
·         Congress can change taxes and government spending and target ___ and ___ of AD.  Use the terms “expansionary and contractionary” policies
·         When in a recession, assume that tax _____ and spending __________will create ________ and that crowding out can occur.
·         Always connect Fiscal Policies to automatic stabilizers like Social Security and Unemployment Compensation.
·         Always connect Monetary Policies to the ______________________________
·         The Fed can control Bonds, target the Fed Fund Rate, change the Discount Rate, and change the Reserve Requirement.
·         When the Fed buys bonds it is “______ Money” policy (expansionary).  Remember BB = BB (Buy Bonds = Big Bucks).
·         When the Fed sells bonds it is “______ Money” policy (contractionary).
Remember SB = SB (Sell Bonds = Small Bucks).
·         The OMC (FOMC) is always connected to the bond markets.
·         Bond “prices” and interest rates are____________ in values.
·         All Fed policies target the Money Supply, interest rates, Ig, ______.
·         Big Chart Graphs:  Money Market, Loanable Funds/Private Savings Market, Versions of Crowding Out (#12, #13, #14).

Topic 13:  Banks Creating Money
·         The Money Multiplier formula is _____________________.
·         Demand Deposits (DD) are a bank __________ and must equal bank assets
·         Required Reserves (RR) are a bank ________ and are set by the rr.
·         Excess Reserves (ER) are the monies banks can lend from each DD.
·         RR and ER must _______ DD.
·         ER x the Loan Multiplier will equal to new loans for the economy which are assumed to be new ___________  ____________.
·         If someone is using cash to create a new DD, then the ER x Loan Multiplier will equal New Money Supply.
·         If the Fed is buying bonds that become DDs, then the ER x Loan Multiplier plus the original bond amount will equal New Money Supply.

Topic 14:  Phillips Curves
·         The relationship between inflation and unemployment is assumed to be _________.
·         Combining the inflation % and the unemployment % is known as the ________ Index.
·         The changes in the business cycle due to changes in AD will move points _____ the Short Run Phillips Curve (SRPC).
·         Changes in SRAS will move the _______ SRPC.  The two curves will move in ________ directions.
·         When the SRPC moves outward, it will usually be connected to __________.
·         The Long Run Phillips Curve (LRPC) is equated to the _________ _______ __ ______________ for a country. 
·         It is assumed by Classical Economists that the NRU is greater for countries that give the unemployed more help, or time to find a new job.
·         Big Chart Graphs:  Phillips Curve, Phillips-AD/AS Connection (#15, 16)

Topic 15:  Monetarism (Not the Same as Monetary Policy by the Fed!)
·         The Equation of Exchange is ____ = ____.
·         Monetarists assume that velocity is ___________.
·         The general assumption of this thinking is that most inflation can be controlled by limiting the growth of the ___________ ______________.

Topic 16:  International Comparative Advantages
·         If two countries have similar resources, the country that can produce the most has the _______________ Advantage.
·         The country with the lowest opportunity cost has ______________ Advantage.
·         Countries will trade to gain beyond their own domestic opportunity cost.
·         Both countries must gain for trade to occur, but both will _______ if they trade their own comparative advantage products.

Topic 17:  International Balance of Payments Accounting
·         BOP Assets (Credits) are ____________ for a country’s money and are “inflows”.
·         BOP Liabilities (Debits) are _____________ of a country’s money and are “outflows”.
·         ______________ Accounts are the transfer of money/wealth that is immediate.
·         ________________ Accounts are the transfer of money/wealth that occur between countries, but hope to create future revenue.

·         Reserves are used by countries if Current Accounts do not __________ Capital/Financial Accounts.  

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