Monday, April 27, 2015

Topics AP Macroeconomics

What AP says should be covered in Unit 1:
Opportunity Cost
Production Possibilities Curve
Market Equilibrium
Supply and Demand:  “used to analyze the workings of the free market system”
Absolute Advantage, Comparative Advantage, Mutually Advantageous Trade
Business Cycles
Economic Growth
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
Production Frontiers (especially for use in Comparative Advantage questions)
Supply and Demand
Supply and Demand with Ceilings and Floors
Currencies (as examples of Supply and Demand) (US dollars, other currencies: real or made up)

What AP says should be covered in Unit II:
Circular Flow, Households, Businesses, Government, International
Gross Domestic Product, Expenditure Approach Components
Unemployment, Types, Measures, Causes, Unemployment Rate, Natural Rate
Inflation Measures, Changes in Dollar Values over Time, Costs of Inflation
Nominal GDP, Real GDP
Consumer Price Index
GDP Deflator
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
The basic Circular Flow model
Investment Demand

What AP says should be covered in Unit III:
Aggregate Supply and Aggregate Demand
Equilibrium National Output, Full Employment Output
General Price Level
Effects of Public Policy
AD and AS Curves
AD Factors (C + Ig + G + Xn) 
AS Factors
Short Run AS
Long Run AS
Spending Multiplier (applied to Aggregate Models)
Crowding Out (save for Unit V)
Sticky Price, Sticky Wages
Flexible Price and Flexible Wage
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
Aggregate Model

What AP says should be covered in Unit IV:
Money Supply and Factors
Money Demand and Factors
Definition of Money
Measures of Money Supply
Time Value of Money
Stocks and Bonds (Definitions)
Fractional Reserve Banking
The Federal Reserve System
Multiple Deposit Expansion
T-Account Money Creation
Money Multiplier (via Loans)
Monetary Policy
Equilibrium Interest Rates
Interest Rates and Aggregate Demand
Aggregate Demand and Real Output and Price Level
Financial Markets
Loanable Funds Market (Private Savings Market)
Real Interest Rate
Money Market (as different from Loanable Funds)
Tools of Central Bank Policy
Quantity Theory of Money
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
Money Market
Loanable Funds (Private Savings Market)

What AP says should be covered in Unit V:
Public Policy and Output, Price Level, Employment in the SR and LR
Fiscal Policy
Monetary Policy
Short Run Shocks
Long Run Equilibrium
Budget Deficits and Crowding Out
The Burden of the National Debt
Phillips Curves:  Short Run and Long Run
Inflation and Unemployment Trade Off
Inflation Expectations
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
Crowding Out (Shown in? -- Investment Demand Graph, Money Market Graph, Loanable Funds Graph, Aggregate Model)
Phillips Curves
The Phillips and Aggregate Model Link (Coming to future tests?)

What AP says should be covered in Unit VI:
Long Run Economic Growth
Productivity Measures
Standard of Living
Role of Investment
Physical Capital Accumulation
Research and Development
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
(No new graphs)

What AP says should be covered in Unit VII:
Balance of Payments Accounts
Trade Balance
Current Account
Capital (Financial) Account
Foreign Exchange Markets
Equilibrium Exchange Rates
Currency Demand and Supply
Currency Appreciation and Depreciation
Net Exports
Trade Restrictions
Graphs students need to draw or identify for multiple choice questions:
(No new graphs)

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